Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Ephesians Panorama Report

Ephesians Panorama Report

Q 1. What is the situation (or situations) that Paul appears to be addressing in the letter? In other words, what is the occasion Paul is responding to? 2. Highlight at least four major themes that are developed in the letter (You need to have clear, complete statements with some elaboration [not bullet-points])?3. In no more than three sentences, describe what you perceive to be the central message of this letter:4. What did you notice, or what struck you, regarding the content of the letter after reading it in one sitting?5. What does this letter teach us about God (what He wants, loves, desires, hates, how He works, His identity, etc.)?

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Paul is addressing in his letter the situation of raising the spirits of the Ephesians to bring the Gentiles and the Jews together in spirit through Christ so that they become one and not divided as two groups of individuals. Moreover, Paul wanted to make the Ephesians aware that it is a blessing to receive Christ and be a part of the body of Christ by being saved by Christ in order to receive eternal life and eternal salvation through the body and blood of Christ as being a blessed a human being would mean making oneself worth of God’s calling. Besides, Paul’s desire is to make the Ephesians aware about the way in which God wanted to show His glory through His Son, Jesus Christ so that the human beings would achieve salvation as planned by God.